both hands
because it takes both hands to do it right, baby

Actually it is true!

May 13, 2004
While reading The Advocate today I came upon something that made me laugh. Especially since I have the original Onion article cut out and hanging on my desk at work.

From The Advocate:

�Members of the London, Canada-based group Simple Truths Our Priority thought they were giving school officials solid evidence that a proposed safe-schools policy was an effort by �homosexuals� to recruit children. A short time later the group also gave them an apology��Anyone who is dumb enough to have those thoughts in the first place is dumb enough to believe this article,� said Carol Kolb, Onion editor in chief.�

You can see their �evidence� here. It�s even better with the rainbow graph to show the steady incline of recruits which you can see if you are interested in paying to become a Premium Onion subscriber. Which I highly recommend.

Alternate title for today's entry: Homophobes are dumb

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