both hands
because it takes both hands to do it right, baby

First in a series--people who need to be slapped.

June 28, 2004
What is wrong with people? When did it become OK to take 5-year-old children to rated R movies? I fully recognize a parent�s need to leave the house and DO something, but do you need to take your toddler to see Terminator 3? Or your 7-year-old boy to see The Girl Next Door? I mean, boobs, people. Full on, naked boobs reflected in the eyes of your second grader.

I'm not even talking about babies at the movie theater...that's a whole other post. I'm talking about parents with no judgment skills, and no consideration.

I don�t think I�m that much of a prude. I mean, I watched Sex and the City and wasn�t offended. Hey�I watch Real Sex and spend most of my time laughing uncontrollably (did the you SEE the creepy RealDoll? But I cringe at parents that don�t seem to be able to judge appropriate material for the 5-year-old mind. Especially at the movies.

For those parents who can�t seem to leave their kids at home or realize they need to wait for the DVD�I have no qualms about shushing you. Nor do I feel bad about talking shit with my husband/sister/friend LOUDLY as you choose your seat near me. I am fully capable of controlling myself should I be at a kid�s movie (Shrek 2, Harry Potter, etc.). I recognize that I�m on their turf at that time and I need to be tolerant.

However, if I have to sit through one more clearly rated R film, seated in front of, next to, or behind any small child constantly asking, �Why he doing that Mommy?� REALLY loudly�I cannot be responsible for my actions.

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